Nasza misja i cele
Naszym celem jest elektryfikacja obszarów wiejskich w Afryce.
Kraje w którym już działamy

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Nasze plany wykorzystywania uzyskanych funduszy

Edukacja dla dzieci

Budowa szpitala dla obszarów wiejskich
Elektryfikacja obszarów wiejskich

Woda dla obszarów wiejskich
Zacznij dziś
Człowiek jest wielki nie przez to, co posiada, lecz przez to, kim jest; nie przez to, co ma, lecz przez to, czym dzieli się z innymi. Jan Paweł II (Karol Wojtyła)
Docenienie za naszą pracę

Meet Chris & Norma
I thought about the times in my life when I couldn't even afford $5 for a book. That's when it hit me. Wouldn't it be cool if the price tag said, '5 jumping jacks and a sit-up. Chris raised $70k to help his neighbor Norma stay in her home.

Meet Ashley
I thought about the times in my life when I couldn't even afford $5 for a book. That's when it hit me. Wouldn't it be cool if the price tag said, '5 jumping jacks and a sit-up. Chris raised $70k to help his neighbor Norma stay in her home.

Carolina Monntoya
I thought about the times in my life when I couldn't even afford $5 for a book. That's when it hit me. Wouldn't it be cool if the price tag said, '5 jumping jacks and a sit-up. Chris raised $70k to help his neighbor Norma stay in her home.

Meet Goldin
I thought about the times in my life when I couldn't even afford $5 for a book. That's when it hit me. Wouldn't it be cool if the price tag said, '5 jumping jacks and a sit-up. Chris raised $70k to help his neighbor Norma stay in her home.
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